paradigm ('par·a ̆·d ̄m) n. 1. something that serves as a model or example.
- set of assumptions, beliefs, values or practices that constitutes a way of
understanding or doing things. Elected “Employee of the Month,” Winona is a
paradigm of efficiency.
par excellence (pahr 'ek·se ̆·lahns) adj. being the best or truest of its kind, quin-
tessential; having the highest degree of excellence, beyond comparison. Bob
Hope was an entertainer par excellence.
pariah (pa ̆·'r ̄·a ̆) n. an outcast, a rejected and despised person. After he told a sexist
joke, Jason was treated like a pariah by all of the women in the office.
partisan ('pahr·ti·za ̆n) n. 1. a person fervently and often uncritically supporting a
group or cause. 2. a guerilla, a member of an organized body of fighters who
attack or harass an enemy. The partisan lobby could not see the logic of the opposing
senator’s argument and did not understand how the proposed legislation would
infringe upon basic constitutional rights.
paucity ('paw·si·tee) n. scarcity, smallness of supply or quantity. The paucity of
food in the area drove the herd farther and farther to the south.
parvenu ('pahr·ve ̆·noo) n. a person who has suddenly risen to a higher social or
economic status but has not been socially accepted by others in that class; an
upstart. Ronnel was nice enough, of course, but because he was “new money” in an
“old money” town, he was a parvenu who struggled to be accepted by his wealthy peers.
peccadillo (pek·a ̆·'dil·oh) n. a trivial offense, a small sin or fault. Don’t make such
a big deal out of a little peccadillo.
pecuniary (pi·'kyoo·nee·er·ee) adj. of, relating to, or involving money. Rosen was
relieved to learn that his penalty would be pecuniary only and that he would not have
to spend any time in jail.
pedantic (pi·'da ̆n·tik) n. a walker adj. marked by a narrow, tiresome focus on or
display of learning, especially of rules or trivial matters. Her lessons were so
pedantic that I found I was easily bored.
pedestrian (pe ̆·'des·tri·a ̆n) n. a walker. adj. commonplace, trite; unremarkable,
unimaginative, dull. Although the film received critical acclaim, its pedestrian plot
has been overused by screenwriters for decades.
pellucid (pe ̆·'loo·sid) adj. 1. translucent, able to be seen through with clarity.
- (e.g., of writing) very clear, easy to understand. Senator Waterson’s pellucid
argument made me change my vote.