sedulous ('sej·u ̆·lu ̆s) adj. diligent, persevering, hard working. After years of sedu-
lous research, the researchers discovered a cure.
semantics (si·'man·tiks) n. 1. the study of meaning in language. 2. the meaning,
connotation, or interpretation of words, symbols, or other forms. 3. the study
of relationships between signs or symbols and their meanings. He claims it’s an
issue of semantics, but the matter is not open to interpretation.
sententious (sen·'ten·shu ̆s) adj. 1. expressing oneself tersely, pithy. 2. full of
maxims and proverbs offered in a self-righteous manner. I was looking for your
honest opinion, not a sententious reply.
servile ('sur·v ̄l) adj. 1. pertaining to or befitting a slave or forced labor.
- abjectly submissive, slavish. The climax comes when Yolanda, who had believed
she was doomed to play the role of a servile wife to a domineering husband, finds the
courage to break the engagement and marry the man she truly loves.
shiftless ('shift·lis) adj. lazy and inefficient; lacking ambition, initiative, or pur-
pose. My shiftless roommate has failed all of his classes.
simian ('sim·ee·a ̆n) adj. of or like an ape or monkey. Scientists have studied
humans’ simian ancestors.
sinuous ('sin·yoo·u ̆s) adj. winding, undulating, serpentine. It is dangerous to drive
fast on such a sinuous road.
slake (slayk) v. 1. to satisfy, quench. 2. to reduce the intensity of, moderate, allay.
The deer slaked its thirst at the river.
sodden ('sod·e ̆n) adj. 1. thoroughly saturated, soaked. 2. expressionless or dull,
unimaginative. Caught in an unexpected rainstorm, I was sodden by the time I
reached the bus stop.
solecism ('sol·e ̆·siz·e ̆m) n. 1. a mistake in the use of language. 2. violation of
good manners or etiquette, impropriety. Frank’s solecism caused his debate team
much embarrassment.
solicit (so ̆·'lis·it) v. 1. to ask for earnestly, petition. 2. to seek to obtain by per-
suasion or formal application. 3. to approach with an offer for paid services. Cy
was touting the merits of the referendum as he solicited support for Tuesday’s vote.
sophistry ('sof·i·stree) n. clever but faulty reasoning; a plausible but invalid
argument intended to deceive by appearing sound. I was amused by his sophistry,
but knew he had a little more research to do before he presented his argument to the
distinguished scholars in his field.