Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



anthro, andro: man, human
android (a very humanlike machine or robot, especially one made of biologi-
cal materials), anthropology (the social science that studies the origins and
social relationships of human beings)

arch, archi, archy: chief, principal, ruler
architect (one who plans or devises; one who creates plans for buildings),
monarchy (a state ruled by a monarch—a sole and absolute ruler, such as a

auto: self
automatic (operating without external influence or control; having inherent
power of action or motion), autopsy (examination of a dead body to deter-
mine cause of death; seeing with one’s own eyes)

card, cord, cour: heart
cardiac (of or relating to the heart), encourage (to inspire with hope, courage,
or confidence; to give support, hearten)

chron: time
chronic (continuing for a long time; ongoing, habitual; long-lasting or recur-
rent), chronology (the arrangement of events in time; the sequence in which
events occurred)

cli, clin: to lean toward, bend
incline (to lean, slant, slope, or cause to do so; to have a tendency or disposi-
tion toward something), recline (to lie back or down)

cryp: hidden
crypt (an underground vault or chamber, especially one used as a burial place),
cryptography (secret writing; the process or skill of communicating in or
deciphering coded messages)

dem: people
democracy (government by the people through elected representatives), epidemic
(a widespread outbreak of a disease affecting many people at the same time)
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