pan: all, everyone
panorama (a complete view in every direction), pantheon (a temple dedicated to
all the gods; all the gods of a people or region)
pas, pat, path: feeling, suffering, disease
compassion (deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering), sympathy
(sharing another person’s feelings; feeling pity or tenderness toward
another’s pain or suffering; harmony, agreement between two people)
ped: education, child
encyclopedia (a comprehensive reference work on a wide range of subjects), pedi-
atrician (a physician specializing in the care of infants and children)
peri: around
perimeter (the outer limits or boundary of an area), periscope (an optical instru-
ment that provides a view of an otherwise obstructed field)
phil: love
bibliophile (a lover of books), philosophy (love and pursuit of wisdom; a system-
atic investigation of questions about knowledge, existence, and ethics)
phone: sound
phonics (a method of teaching reading by training beginners to associate letters
with their sound values), symphony (a long and complex sonata for an
orchestra; a large orchestra)
theo: god, religion
atheist (one who denies the existence of a god or supreme being), theology (the
study of god(s) and religion)
When working on your vocabulary, remember to focus first on roots, prefixes,
and suffixes. You will be surprised to see how quickly learning these will increase
the size of your vocabulary.
Not everyone “sees” words in the same way. You might, for example, respond to a
visual clue in a word, or you might instead hear a familiar sound in that word.
Another person reading that same word might recognize a structural clue in the