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1. alluded. To allude means to make an indirect reference to.
2. extent. Extent means the range, distance, or degree to which something
reaches or extends.
3. disbursed. To disburse means to pay out.
4. ingenious. Ingenious means marked by inventive skill or creativity; showing
inventiveness and skill, remarkably clever.
5. waive. To waive is to give up (a right or claim) voluntarily, relinquish; to
refrain from enforcing or insisting upon (a rule, penalty, standard proce-
dure, etc.).
6. proceed. To proceed means to go forward or onward, especially after an
interruption; move on, advance.
7. imminent. Imminent means about to occur, impending.
8. prosecuted. To prosecute is to bring a criminal action against someone.
9. ascent. An ascent is an upward slope; a movement upward, advancement.
10. censor. To censor is to forbid the publication, distribution, or other public
dissemination of something because it is considered obscene or otherwise
politically or morally unacceptable.