Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 4: C Types, Operators, and Expressions

0x08 = 00001000 = 0x08

r maybe myByte = 0x55:

myByte x55
0x08 08


This all shows bit of myByte is affected by the OR operation,
since it is the only bit equal to 1 in 0x08.

e can set bit 3 with:

myByte = 00000000 = 0x00


OR = 00001000 = 0x08

Suppose myByte = 0xFF:

myByte = 11111111 = 0xFF
0x08 = 00001000 = 0x00

OR = 11111111 = 0xFF


= 01010101 = 0
= 00001000 = 0x

= 01011101 = 0x

that only the 3rd

Now let’s do the same thing with the & operator:

unsigned char myByte = 0;


myByte = myByte & 0x08;

To see what’s happening Let’s look at these in binary:

0x08 = 00001000 = 0x08

AND = 00000000

Suppose myByte = 0xFF:

myByte = 11111111 = 0xFF
0x08 = 00001000 = 0x08

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