Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 4: C Types, Operators, and Expressions

external conditions. For
xample, if the tem ° F, turn the fan on, if it is under 100° F,
d write this as:


r you could use the C conditional operator ?: (
able 3

temp > 150? Fan(ON) : Fan(OFF);

he op rm: expresson1? expression2 : expression3, and follows

ut you’ll see this expression a

hen a sequence of operators such as:

The co er of calculation based on operator precedence (Table
7). But y not be what you intended. Calculate the
value o. D ons quentially as
listed you get:

10 / 2 – 20 * 4

x = 40

Conditional Expressions................................................................................

You will frequently need to make decisions based on
e perature is above 150
turn the fan off. You coul

if( temp > 150)


T ) as below:

T eration has the fo
the rule that if expression1 is true (non-zero value) then use expression2,
otherwise use expression3. This operator seems a little gee-wiz-impress-your-
friends and not as clear as the if-else expression, b
lot, so get used to it.

Precedence and Order of Evaluation.............................................................

W statement has a

x = 50 + 10 / 2 – 20 * 4;

mpiler follows an ord
what the compiler does, ma
f x id you get 40? If you performed the calculati se

x = 50 +
x = 60 / 2 – 20 * 4
x = 30 – 20 * 4
x = 10 * 4
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