Getting Started

(lily) #1

Chapter 5: C Control Flow....................................................................................

k open
e kimono and take a good hard look.

e followed by a semicolon:

PORTD = ~i;

tes the statement.

Compound st oup of statements or
declarations in ock iler to

00 wait count was too long so I changed it to 2200:

while(QuarterSecondCount < 2200)//17600);

ut I wanted to leave the 17600 in case I ever needed it again, so I commented it

QuarterSecondCount = 0;

Chapter 5: C Control Flow

We specify the order in which computations are performed with control
statements. We’ve already peeked at some of these concepts, now Let’s jer

Statements and Blocks

Expressions such as PORTD = ~i or _delay_loop_2(30000) or i -= 128 becom
statements when they ar

i -= 128;

The semicolon termina


ments are made by enclosing a gr
delimited by braces ‘{‘ and ‘}’. This causes the comp
handle the block as a unit.

Tale of a bug:
I wrote the following statement:

while(QuarterSecondCount < 17600);
QuarterSecondCount = 0;

Then decided that the 176

rSecondCount = 0;

out. Do you see a problem here?

Well, what I meant to say was:

while(QuarterSecondCount < 2200);

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