Encyclopedia of Leadership

(sharon) #1

influencingthose areas that provide the greatest leverage for success in organizations, leaders

gain back control, not over daily employee activities, but rather at a higher level; that is, con-

trol over areas such as vision, work environment, goals, and morale. This requires that leaders

develop and exercise a great deal of personal or informal power. That power is based on exper-

tise and the commitment of followers, not on authority or on a leader’s place in the hierarchy.

The truth about a leader’s area of influence is that much of your power is of your own making.

Modeling the behavior that you expect of others is the most powerful form of influence in

knowledge-based organizations. [☛1.8 Recursive Leadership, 15.2 Emotional Intelligence]


How big your area of influence becomes will depend upon the choices you make. History

teaches us that when controlling or authoritative managers leave (temporarily or permanent-

ly), their control is greatly diminished; but when influential leaders leave, their influence

remains, often indefinitely.


“Anytime we think the problem is ‘out there,’ that thought is the problem.”
—Stephen Covey

When changes are not being implemented as expected, there is a tendency for a leader to cast

blame on outside forces (e.g., a lack of buy-in by senior management; stalling by group mem-

bers). However, blaming doesn’t usually work very well. A better alternative is for leaders to

find ways to expand their influence and, when possible, take personal responsibility for imple-

menting change. Use this tool to assess your area of personal influenceas a leader, and to deter-

mine what decisions lie beyond your influence (i.e., in your area of interest). Use the

workspace provided to begin this process.



Area of Control
Which areas might you be trying to control, when influence would be a more powerful and lasting way to get the job

Area of Influence
Identify 2 or 3 areas of interest in your organization where you would like to have more influence.
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