Kennedy, Allen, 117
Kepner, Charles, 208, 216, 220-221
Know-it-alls, dealing with, 385-386
Kotter, John, 117, 119, 142-143, 148
Kouzes, James, 55-56
Ladder of Inference, 462-463
Large projects, selling, 287-290
Leader as strategist, 69-72
Leader-to-employee communication,
direct, 236-238 (see also
Leader’s skills, assessing, 345
and boards of play, 18-20
GAS model, 33-35
habits and practices, 15-17
integrity, 36-38
and management, contrasting, 5-7
purpose, clarifying, 59-61
paradigms, 29-32
principles guiding techniques, 11-14
recursive, 25-28
requirements for effective, 8-10
results equation, 21-24
in twenty-first century, 2-4
and values, 55-58
The Leadership Challenge, 55-56
Leadership Emotional Quotient (LEQ),
Leadership versatility, 264-266
Leading Change, 117, 142-143, 148
Leading change, tools for, 139-168
aligning systems, 153-155
appreciative inquiry, 166-168
change equation, 140-141
change window, 150-152
human transition through change,
major organizational change, 142-144
readiness for change, assessing, 145-146
resistance, surfacing and dealing with,
“two good-faith responses” tech-
nique, 163-164
small wins or breakthroughs? 147-149
stakeholder groups, 156-159
Leading meetings, tools for, 335-361 (see
Leading others, tools for, 263-296 (see also
Learning, tools for, 427-449
adult learning principles, 438-440
attitude, importance of, 428-430
individual differences, capitalizing on,
learning styles, 444-446
needs analysis, 434-437
preferences, personal, 447-449
single-loop and double-loop, 431-433
teaching job, 441-443
Listening skills, 248
techniques, 254-256
Logic errors, recognizing, 170-172
Logic of leadership, 25-28
Management and leadership, contrasting,
purpose, clarifying, 59-61
Management by objectives (MBO), 26,
Marketing professional service group, 96-99
Matching leadership style to situation, 267-
270 (see alsoInfluencing)
Measuring success, 65-67
Media relations for leaders, 260-262
Meetings, leading, tools for, 335-361
agenda, 353-355
chairperson’s role, 347, 350-352
opening remarks, 356-358
checklist, 342-346
meeting roles, 347-349
minutes, 359-361
planning effective meetings and events:
process cycle, 336-338
purpose and function in workgroups and
teams, 339-341
skills of meeting leader, assessing, 345
Metacommunicating, 245-247
Mind mapping, 193-195
Mintzberg, Henry, 69-70, 291
Minutes of meeting, 359-361
Mission, definition, 129
Modeling behavior desired, 25-26
Moore, James, 70
Murphy, Shaun, 52, 62
Myers-Briggs indicator, 89
Needs analysis, 434-437
Negative communication cycle, 233-234
Negative feedback, preparing yourself to
give, 375-377
Negativists, dealing with, 385-386
Negotiation, principled, 277-280
The New Rational Manager, 208, 216, 220-221
Nonprofit organization, revitalizing board
of directors in, 129-131
Occam’s razor, 172
Open-book leadership, 121-125
Optimizing thinking, 186-188
Organizational change, leading, 142-144
Organizational communication, leader’s
role in, 239-241
Organizational culture, 117-120
Paradigms, 29-32
and change, 30
Participants in meeting, role of, 347
Participation of group, encouraging,
People and transition through change,
Performance, leading, tools for, 390-426
accountability agreements, 399-401
attribution theory, 409-411
coaching and supporting success of
others, 391-394
documenting employee performance
and behavior, 412-414
Four Stages®model, 421-423
high-performers, coaching, 395-398
and blinking, 396
vs. problem-based, 395-398
human capital, people as, 418-420
job competencies, 415-417
management by objectives (MBO),
professional expertise, 424-426
expertise delivery model, five-stage,
time management, 406-408
Urgency Addiction, 406-408
Performance, measuring and predicting,
Perry, Lee, 69
Personal Change Equation, 468-469
Personality ethic, 15
Peters, Tom, 45-46
Polarities, dealing with, 212-214
Porter, Michael, 69
Positive communication cycle, 234-235
Posner, Barry, 55-56
Potential Problem Analysis, 219-222
(see alsoProblem solving)
Power, 291-293
Prahalad, C.K., 69
Preferences, personal, 447-449
Presentations, making, 281-283
Preventive actions, 219
Principle Centered Leadership, 1
Principled negotiation, 277-280
Principles guiding leadership techniques,
Priority setting in teams and workgroups,
Probability, 219
Problem-based coaching, 395-398
Problem solving, tools for, 199-230
affinity diagrams, 227-230
decision making, 215-218
worksheet, 218
intractable problems, dealing with,
model, general, 204-206
polarities, 212-214
potential problem analysis, 219-222
worksheet, 222
reframing, 200-203
systematic approach to finding cause,
worksheet, 211
total quality leadership overview, 223-226
Process advisor of meeting, role of, 348
Process reengineering, 108-111
Professional expertise, using, 132-134,
Professional services group, marketing,
Public speaking, 281-283
Purpose, clarifying, 59-61