Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

(Dana P.) #1


1517 Luther nails his Ninety-Five Theses to the castle church door
in Wittenberg, Germany
1517–1648 The Reformation
1533–1592 Michel de Montaigne
1548–1600 Giordano Bruno; accused of heresy and burnt by Inquisition
1548–1607 Francisco Suárez
1561–1626 Francis Bacon
1571 Battle of Lepanto
1575–1624 Jakob Böhme
1588–1679 Thomas Hobbes
1588 Defeat of the Spanish Armada
1592–1655 Pierre Gassendi
1596–1650 René Descartes
1599–1658 Oliver Cromwell
1609–1683 Benjamin Whichcote
1614–1687 Henry More
1617–1688 Ralph Cudworth
1618 The Thirty Years War begins
1623–1662 Blaise Pascal
1625 Grotius publishes The Laws of War and Peace
1632–1677 Spinoza; publishes Ethics 1677
1632–1704 John Locke
1638–1715 Nicolas Malebranche
1641 Descartes publishes Meditations; Beginning of English Civil War
1644 Descartes publishes Principles of Philosophy
1646–1716 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
1651 Hobbes publishes Leviathan
1668–1744 Giovanni Battista Vico
1671–1713 Lord Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper)
1677 Spinoza publishes Ethics
1685–1753 George Berkeley
1690 Locke publishes An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
1694–1778 Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet)
1703–1758 Jonathan Edwards
1710–1796 Thomas Reid
1711–1776 David Hume
1712–1778 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
1713–1784 Denis Diderot

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