Cell phone service
Debt repayment
In some states, people receive their unemployment benefits and other government benefits on a
prepaid card.^21 Instead of getting checks, they receive a card, and each month the benefit
amount is loaded onto the card. These government benefit cards are sometimes called Electronic
Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards.
The federal government also provides prepaid cards for receipt of certain federal benefits, such
as veterans’ benefits or Social Security benefits. In most cases, you can also choose direct deposit
to a checking or savings account or a prepaid card of your choice.
If your EBT card is lost or stolen, be sure to call to report it lost or stolen right away—the
number you call will depend on the issuing agency. If someone else uses the card and PIN
number, there is chance these benefits will not be replaced.
The amount you can be charged in fees for using the card depends on the contract between the
government agency and the financial institution providing the card account. Be sure to read the
cardholder’s agreement carefully before using the card.
One major advantage of both EBT cards and direct deposit to a checking account or prepaid card
for benefits is that individuals do not have to go anywhere to pick up benefits each month.
Benefits are automatically transferred to the household’s account or card each month on a
specific date.
Getting income
There are different ways to receive income and benefits. In some situations, you do not have a
choice. For example, some public benefits you must receive using EBT where benefits are
directly deposited to a card or a bank account. Some employers may only pay you using a
traditional paycheck. You may get your income in one or more of the following ways:
(^21) Some states also distribute child support via prepaid card.