
(backadmin) #1

  1. Risky Assets 67

Introducing a sequence of independent random variablesξ(n), each with
two values




τ with probability 1/2,

τ with probability 1/2,

we can write the logarithmic return as


Exercise 3.23

Find the expectation and variance ofξ(n)andk(n).

Exercise 3.24

WriteS(1) andS(2) in terms ofm,σ,τ,ξ(1) andξ(2).

Next, we introduce an important sequence of random variablesw(n), called
asymmetric random walk, such that

w(n)=ξ(1) +ξ(2) +···+ξ(n),

andw(0) = 0. Clearly,ξ(n)=w(n)−w(n−1).Because of the last equality,
theξ(n) are referred to as the increments ofw(n).
From now on we shall often writeS(t)andw(t) instead ofS(n)andw(n)
fort=τn,wheren=1, 2 ,....

Proposition 3.7

The stock price at timet=τnis given by

S(t)=S(0) exp(mt+σw(t)).


By (3.2)

=S(nτ− 2 τ)ek(n−1)+k(n)

as required.

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