Old-fashioned styles like this are used in more traditional manga stories of sword
fighters and samurai warriors. The hair is worn long at the back, with lengthy bangs
and sides. Some of the hair is collected up in a high topknot, which sits upright on
the top of the head, before cascading down the back. It’s a dramatic, bold style and
is very effective in portraying fast movement.
Draw a basic head,
with eyes, nose,
mouth, and one ear.
In front of the ear, add
some long, thin strands
of hair.
Starting at the crown,
draw a line out to the
side and down, and
use this to start draw-
ing spiky bangs to join
your first long strands.
Create the outlines for
two areas of highlight,
one on top of the
head, and one on the
ponytail. Draw these
using a fine red pen.
From the same start
point, work a line over
the crown and then
create strands of hair
behind the ear.
Now add a ponytail
to the top of the
head, held in place by
a scrunchie. Take the
ponytail to the same
length as your longest
spiked locks.
Ink around all the
main lines of the
hair, including all the
spikes, the bangs and
ponytail, and the
Leaving the highlights
and the scrunchie
white, color the hair
bright red. Then color
the underside of the
ponytail and the tips of
the hair with a darker
shade of red.