Here is a bold spiky look for a passionate, young male character. The spikes are
jutting out in all directions like a flaming fire, and the color is eye-catching and
dramatic. The style would suggest a fiery, passionate temperament.
Create a basic head
with eyes, nose, mouth,
and an ear. Starting in
front of the ear, work
across drawing a series
of spikes for bangs.
Continue this outside
the area of the head.
Then, starting where
you finished, work
more large spikes
right around the head,
behind the ear, and
down into the side of
the neck.
Now draw a spiky halo
on top of the head,
within the outer ring of
spikes. Put some on the
crown, and bring some
into the spikes of the
bangs. Add a few spikes
in between those on
the top of the head.
Ink around both haloes of
spikes. Then ink around
the spikes you inter-
spersed between those
on top of the head.
Finally color your hair-
style a dramatic dark
pink color. Where the
top halo casts shadows
on the rest of the hair,
double up on color, or
use a darker purple.