Basic Hand Poses
Start by drawing an eggcup
shape, and add a curved
line to close it across the
top. Next draw two lines
coming down for the wrist,
and add a short center line
parallel to them.
Now flesh out the
thumb and first finger
by joining the ovals and
circles you have made.
Draw two ovals, one for the pad
and one for the top of the thumb,
and join with a curved line. Then
draw two circles on the opposite
side of the palm, and join with
curved lines.
Add three more fingers
of different sizes. Indicate
nails on the thumb and
fingers. Go over the main
lines to give them greater
definition, and shade the
palm and inner fingers.
Here is a basic hand in profile, with thumb and fingers all extended in a gentle
curving pose. This hand shows the basic distance between the ball of the thumb and
the back of the hand, and the relative length of the fingers. It could be reaching out
to hold something or waving.