Draw an eggcup shape
at a 45° angle. Then
draw two lines down
from it to make a
wrist. Close off the
top with a curved line,
then sketch in a center
line up from the wrist.
Create basic shapes
for the knuckles by
drawing four circles.
Make the middle two
butt up against the
curved line; the first
and last should sit
across it.
Define the thumb
with two semicircles
and a triangle, then
create two joints for
the index finger. Then
outline around the
whole hand.
Now start to add some
shading. The right-hand
side of each knuckle is in
shadow, as is the base of the
thumb. There is also shading
around the wrist area.
A very useful pose, particularly in action manga, is the closed fist. Here you can see
a view looking down on the back of the hand, and you can see clearly the tensed-up
sinews that connect the muscle to the bone. The knuckles are clearly indicated at
the top of the shape.