A pointing hand can be very useful in a manga story. Here you can see how the
index finger is stretched out in a straight line, with the remaining fingers folded back
into the palm. The thumb is stretched out diagonally away from the hand in this case,
although it can also be tucked away as in the fist pose.
Draw an upside-down
U-shape, closing off the
open end with a curved
line. This is the back
of the hand. Add two
lines for the wrist, and a
center line.
Create the knuckles
by drawing four circles
across the back of the
hand. Draw a short line
at the side of the first
three, with a longer one
beside the fourth.
Join the three short
lines with curved lines
for the joints of the
first three fingers. Add
the pointing index
finger with its joints,
then add a thumb.
Ink around the main
lines of the wrist, hand,
fingers, and thumb. Add
creases to the wrist and
back of the hand, as well
as to the knuckle and
finger joints.
Leaving the knuck-
les white, add a flat
color to the rest of
the hand, fingers, and
Now create areas of
shading. The left-hand
side of the wrist is in
shadow, as are the bent
fingers, the left of the
thumb, and the joints
of the index finger.