This pose shows how to hold the stock of a weapon while keeping a finger on the
trigger. The important thing here is to visualize the weapon handle when you draw
the hand, otherwise the grip will look unnatural. Note how the three remaining
fingers fold down around the stock.
Draw an ellipse, and
add two curved lines
for a wrist. Draw four
circles, one overlap-
ping the ellipse, two
inside it, and the last
protruding only a little.
Add a short line out
from the top circle.
The four circles are
knuckle joints. From the
lower three, draw fin-
ger joints. From the line
at the top, draw the
rounded joint of the
index finger. Draw the
fold of skin between
the two fingers.
Now get an indication
of the weapon that the
hand is holding. This
has a base under the
fingers, together with
the trigger and a sug-
gestion of the barrel.
This does not need to
be detailed.
Ink the hand to empha-
size it. Ink around
the wrist, sides, and
individual fingers. Ink
the joints, and define
the knuckles.
Now add a flat color
over the hand. In this
sketch, a pale pink has
been used.
Add some shading to
those areas that need it.
These are the underside
of the wrist and hand,
and the finger joints.