Occasionally manga tales may involve more realistic or contemporary military
scenes. Army uniforms tend to follow a pattern such as that seen on this character.
He’s wearing a camouflaged battle uniform with helmet and utility belt, along with a
backpack and sleeping roll. Below the knees he is wearing some strapping, known as
puttees. This is a piece of cloth wrapped tightly round the calf from ankle to knee,
and used as support.
Draw the basic figure,
then add a collar,
tunic, and sleeves,
with epaulettes and
upper arm pockets,
going down to elasti-
cated cuffs.
Working down the
figure, draw a belt and
loose pants, bunched
around the knees with
creases and folds. Add
pockets to each leg.
Next, add the details
of more pockets on
the chest area.
Add further details,
such as helmet, back-
pack, puttees, and
some shoes.