Drawing Manga Boys

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Here’s a heavy-looking outfit designed to take the rigors of space travel, and possibly
combat. The suit is extremely thick and has smooth curves to avoid radar detection.
The surface of the suit is covered in a network of optical filaments and superconductors,
which can help to disseminate friction when travelling at extreme speed.

Start with the basic
stick drawing for
the figure, then
draw a wide bowl-
shaped helmet
covering the head.

Draw the bottom
half, with smooth
curving lines work-
ing down to the
ground and widen-
ing at the feet.

Work down the torso
with broad shapes for
the arms and chest,
including large joints
and gauntlets.

Next add some
details. The chest
and groin areas are
reinforced with thick
armor for extra
protection. Indicate
heavy footwear
and knee padding,
and note the open
panel in the face.
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