Politics and Civil Society in Cuba

(Axel Boer) #1

14 The Issue of Race in Cuban

Society Today: The Letter

and Spirit

Miguel Barnet

I would like to begin by synthesizing the state of the discussion about
race in Cuba. To that end, I will endeavor to answer the following

  • What identified elements need to be taken into consideration to evaluate the
    impact of policies intended to eradicate racial discrimination starting from the tri-
    umph of the Revolution in 1959 to today?

  • What are the main achievements and shortcomings in the implementation of this

  • What objective and subjective factors have a bearing on the development of racial
    problems in Cuba, specifically with respect to the population of African origin,
    both nationally and internationally.?

  • What are the differences in perception among various segments of the Cuban pop-

  • How are the problems of racial discrimination that are still extant in Cuba being
    This analysis of racial issues and discrimination based on skin color
    is not definitive although we chose to pose questions intended to

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