Politics and Civil Society in Cuba

(Axel Boer) #1

396 Chapter 16

continue to come true, we will find that, “in very little time society will
get used to and begin to accept homosexuals.”

References Cited

Bejel, Emilio. 2001. Gay Cuban Nation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bell, David, and Jon Binnie. 2000. The Sexual Citizen: Queer Politics and beyond.
Cambridge: Polity Press.
Castro Ruz, Raul. 2010a. “Sin una economía solida y dinámica, sin eliminar
gastos superfluos y el derroche, no se podrá avanzar en la elevación del
nivel de vida de la población” Discurso pronunciado en la clausura del IX
Congreso de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas. [Without a solid and
dynamic economy, without eliminating unnecessary spending and waste,
the standard of living of the population cannot be raised. Key Address at

Figure 4. “Two of the same also make a pair”

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