Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

7.4. Does All This Really Work? 227

(a)Define a bijection between the set,ZC, of positive integers, and the set,.ZC
ZC/, of all pairs of positive integers:


(b)Conclude that the set,QC, of all positive rational numbers is countable.

Problem 7.11.
This problem provides a proof of the [Schroder-Bernstein] Theorem: ̈

IfAsurjBandBsurjA, thenAbijB. (7.8)

(a)It is OK to assume thatAandBare disjoint. Why?

(b)Explain why there are total injective functionsf WA!B, andgWB!A.
Picturing the diagrams forf andg, there isexactly onearrowoutof each ele-
ment —a left-to-rightf-arrow if the element is inAand a right-to-leftg-arrow if
the element is inB. This is becausefandgare total functions. Also, there isat
most onearrowintoany element, becausefandgare injections.
So starting at any element, there is a unique and unending path of arrows going
forwards. There is also a unique path of arrows going backwards, which might be
unending, or might end at an element that has no arrow into it. These paths are
completely separate: if two ran into each other, there would be two arrows into the
element where they ran together.
This divides all the elements into separate paths of four kinds:

i. paths that are infinite in both directions,

ii. paths that are infinite going forwards starting from some element ofA.

iii. paths that are infinite going forwards starting from some element ofB.

iv. paths that are unending but finite.

(c)What do the paths of the last type (iv) look like?
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