Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

8.13. References 299

Problem 8.40.
We define the sequence of numbers



1; forn 3 ,
an 1 Can 2 Can 3 Can 4 ; forn > 3.

Usestrong inductionto prove that;3/D 1 for alln 0.

Problems for Section 8.8

Exam Problems

Problem 8.41.

Definition.The set,P, of single variable integer polynomials can be defined re-

Base cases:

 the identity function, IdZ.x/WWDxis inP.

 for any integer,m, the constant function,cm.x/WWDmis inP.

Constructor cases. Ifr;s 2 P, thenrCsandrs 2 P.

Prove by structural induction that for allq 2 P,

jk .modn/ IMPLIES q.j/q.k/ .modn/;

for all integersj;k;nwheren > 1.
Be sure to clearly state and label your Induction Hypothesis, Base case(s), and
Constructor step.

Problems for Section 8.9

Practice Problems

Problem 8.42.

(a)Given inputsm;n 2 ZC, the Pulverizer will producex;y 2 Zsuch that:
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