Mathematics for Computer Science

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Chapter 8 Number Theory308

(e)If gcd.a;b/¤ 1 and gcd.b;c/¤ 1 , then gcd.a;c/¤ 1. true false

(f)If an integer linear combination ofaandbequals 1,

then so does some integer linear combination ofa^2 andb^2. true false

(g)If no integer linear combination ofaandbequals 2,

then neither does any integer linear combination ofa^2 andb^2. true false

(h)Ifacbc .modn/andndoes not dividec,

thenab .modn/. true false

(i)Assuminga;bhave inverses modulon,

ifa^1 b^1 .modn/, thenab .modn/. true false

(j)Ifacbc .modn/andndoes not dividec,

thenab .modn/. true false

(k)Ifab .mod.n//fora;b > 0, thencacb .modn/. true false

(l)Ifab .modnm/, thenab .modn/. true false

(m)If gcd.m;n/D 1 , then

Œab .modm/ANDab .modn/çiffŒab .modmn/ç true false

(n)If gcd.a;n/D 1 , thenan^1 1 .modn/ true false

(o)Ifa;b > 1, then

[ahas a inverse modbiffbhas an inverse moda]. true false

Problem 8.69.
Find an integerk > 1such thatnandnkagree in their last three digits whenevern
is divisible by neither 2 nor 5.Hint:Euler’s theorem.

Problem 8.70.

(a)Explain why.12/^482 has a multiplicative inverse modulo 175.

(b)What is the value of.175/, whereis Euler’s function?
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