Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

9.11. Summary of Relational Properties 357


t - 1^

n - (t - 1)

What is the minimum time schedule forDn;t? Explain why it is unique. How many
processors does it require?

(c)Write a simple formula,M.n;t;p/, for the minimum time of ap-processor
schedule to completeDn;t.

(d)Show thateverypartial order withnvertices and maximum chain size,t, has
ap-processor schedule that runs in timeM.n;t;p/.

Hint:Use induction ont.

Problems for Section 9.6

Practice Problems

Problem 9.21.
In this DAG (Figure 9.13) for the divisibility relation onf1;:::;12g, there is an
upward path fromatobiffajb. If 24 was added as a vertex, what is the mini-
mum number of edges that must be added to the DAG to represent divisibility on
f1;:::;12;24g? What are those edges?

Problem 9.22. (a)Why is every strict partial order a DAG?

(b)Give an example of a DAG that is not a strict partial order.
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