Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

Chapter 14 Cardinality Rules556

Prizes fortruly exceptionalCoursework
Given everyone’s hard work on this material, the instructors considered award-
ing some prizes for truly exceptional coursework. Here are three possible prize

Best Administrative Critique We asserted that the quiz was closed-book. On
the cover page, one strong candidate for this award wrote, “There is no

Awkward Question Award “Okay, the left sock, right sock, and pants are in
an antichain, but how—even with assistance—could I put on all three at

Best Collaboration StatementInspired by a student who wrote “I worked alone”
on Quiz 1.

Rule 14.3.1(Generalized Product Rule).LetSbe a set of length-ksequences. If
there are:

 n 1 possible first entries,

 n 2 possible second entries for each first entry,

 nkpossiblekth entries for each sequence of firstk 1 entries,

jSjDn 1 n 2 n 3 nk

In the awards example,Sconsists of sequences.x;y;z/. There arenways to
choosex, the recipient of prize #1. For each of these, there aren 1 ways to choose
y, the recipient of prize #2, since everyone except for personxis eligible. For each
combination ofxandy, there aren 2 ways to choosez, the recipient of prize #3,
because everyone except forxandyis eligible. Thus, according to the Generalized
Product Rule, there are

ways to award the 3 prizes to different people.

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