Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1
Chapter 14 Cardinality Rules564

14.6 Sequences with Repetitions

14.6.1 Sequences of Subsets
Choosing ak-element subset of ann-element set is the same as splitting the set
into a pair of subsets: the first subset of sizekand the second subset consisting of
the remainingnkelements. So, the Subset Rule can be understood as a rule for
counting the number of such splits into pairs of subsets.
We can generalize this to a way to count splits into more than two subsets. Let
Abe ann-element set andk 1 ;k 2 ;:::;kmbe nonnegative integers whose sum isn.
A.k 1 ;k 2 ;:::;km/-split ofAis a sequence

.A 1 ;A 2 ;:::;Am/

where theAiare disjoint subsets ofAandjAijDkiforiD1;:::;m.
To count the number of splits we take the same approach as for the Subset
Rule. Namely, we map any permutationa 1 a 2 :::anof ann-element setAinto
a.k 1 ;k 2 ;:::;km/-split by letting the 1st subset in the split be the firstk 1 elements
of the permutation, the 2nd subset of the split be the nextk 2 elements,... , and the
mth subset of the split be the finalkmelements of the permutation. This map is
ak 1 Š k 2 ŠkmŠ-to-1 function from thenŠpermutations to the.k 1 ;k 2 ;:::;km/-
splits ofA, so from the Division Rule we conclude theSubset Split Rule:

Definition 14.6.1.Forn;k 1 ;:::;km 2 N, such thatk 1 Ck 2 CCkmDn, define
themultinomial coefficient

k 1 ;k 2 ;:::;km



k 1 Šk 2 Š :::kmŠ


Rule 14.6.2(Subset Split Rule).The number of.k 1 ;k 2 ;:::;km/-splits of ann-
element set is
k 1 ;:::;km



14.6.2 The Bookkeeper Rule
We can also generalize our count ofn-bit sequences withkones to counting se-
quences ofnletters over an alphabet with more than two letters. For example,
how many sequences can be formed by permuting the letters in the 10-letter word
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