Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1


King Chicken Theorem, 351
k-to-1 function, 559

latency,seecommuncation net
Latin square, 438
lattice basis reduction, 576
Law of Large Numbers, 805
leaf, 425
least common multiple, 284
lemma, 9
length-ncycle, 398
length-nwalk relation, 326
length of a walk, 418
Let’s Make a Deal, 692
limit superior, 529
linear combination (integers), 245
Linearity of Expectation, 762 , 763
linear relation, 344
literal, 784
little o,seeasymptotic notation
load balancing, 807, 811
lower bound, 32

Mapping Rules, 573
for finite sets, 95
bijection, 95, 551
for infinite sets, 206
Markov’s bound, 824
Markov’s Theorem, 790, 818
Markov Bound, 833
Markov bound, 813
matching, 402 , 404
matching birthdays, 803
matching condition, 403
matrix multiplication, 530
maximum dilation, 861
maximum element, 331
mean, 751
mean square deviation, 793

Menger, 423
Merge Sort, 870 , 890
merging vertices, 492
Meyer, Albert R, 136
minimal, 366
minimal (graphing), 330
minimum (graphing), 330
minimum weight spanning tree, 428
minor, 492
modular arithmetic, 263, 265
congruence, 263
modulon,seemodular arithmetic
modus ponens, 10
Monty Hall Problem, 667
Multinomial Theorem, 624
multinomial coefficient, 564
multiplicative inverse, 270 , 645
Murphy’s Law, 815 , 833
mutual independence, 799
mutually independent, 716 , 737, 742 ,
803, 809
mutually recursive, 654

neighbors, 405 , 436
nonconstructive proof, 576
nondecreasing, 512
nonincreasing, 512
non-unique factorization, 292
norm, 292 , 824
number theory, 243

O (big O),seeasymptotic notation
o (little o),seeasymptotic notation
optimal spouse, 412
order, 875
ordinals, 208, 237
outcome, 669 , 686
outside face, 477

Page, Larry, 317, 849
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