Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1


surjection,seebinary relation
symmetric, 241, 861
symmetric relation, 343 , 393

tails, 749
tails of the distribution, 749
termination (state machine), 139
The Bookkeeper Rule, 564
theorem, 9
topological sort, 329
total expectation, 755
totient function, 274
tournament digraph, 346 , 351, 365 ,
696 , 778
Towers of Hanoi, 654, 867
transitive, 682
transitive relation, 335, 344 , 363
tree diagram, 669 , 721
Triangle Identity, 589
truth table, 42
Turing, 259, 273
Turing’s code, 268, 273
Twin Prime Conjecture, 254
type-checking,seeHalting Problem

unbiased binomial distribution, 749 ,
unbiased game, 839
unbounded Gambler’s ruin, 848
uncountable, 231, 233
uniform, 680, 688 , 745
uniform distribution, 745
union, 82
Union Bound, 688
Unique Factorization Theorem, 30, 257 ,
universal quantification, 57
unlucky, 781 , 782
upper bound, 32

valid coloring, 414

validity (logic), 50 , 56, 60
value of an annuity, 506
variance, 793 , 802, 821
Venn diagram, 737
directed graph, 319
simple graph, 394
vertex connected, 422

walk,seedirected graph, simple graph,
walk in a simple graph, 417
Weak Law of Large Numbers, 805,
weakly connected, 348
weakly decreasing, 142 , 156, 257, 512
weakly increasing, 142 , 512
weight of a graph, 428
well founded, 235 , 366
Well Ordering Principle, 27 , 129, 139,
well ordered set, 31
winnings, 757
wrap, 658

Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, 220 , 223
ZFC,seeZermello-Fraenkel Set The-
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