
(Darren Dugan) #1


Knowing that life is precious to all and that none has any right what-
ever to destroy the life of another, he extends compassion and loving
kindness towards every living being, even to the tiniest creature that
crawls at his feet, and refrains from killing or causing injury to any liv-
ing being.
There is no rule that one is to be preyed upon by another. However,
the strong do mercilessly kill the weak and feast on their flesh. This is
animal instinct. Such actions by animals are excusable because they
know not what they do, but when those who are gifted with reason and
understanding perpetrate such crimes, there is no excuse. Whether to
satisfy one’s palate or as pastime, it is not justifiable to kill or to cause
another living being to be killed. If the killing of animals is wrong, how
much more heinous is it to kill human beings—individually or collec-
tively, employing brutal or so-called civilised methods—for the sake of
peace, religion, or any other seemingly good purpose?
Honesty, trustworthiness, and uprightness also are the characteristics
of a person with right understanding. Such a person tries to abstain from
all forms of stealing “whether in its dissembled or obvious forms.”
Abstaining from sexual misconduct, which debases the exalted nature of
man, he tries to be pure and chaste. He avoids false speech, harsh lan-
guage, slander and frivolous talk and speaks only what is true, sweet,
kind and helpful. As certain drinks and drugs promote heedlessness and
mental distraction, he avoids intoxicating liquor and cultivates heedful-
ness and clarity of vision.
These elementary principles of regulated behaviour are essential to
one who treads the path to Nibbána, chiefly because they tend to control
both deeds and words. Violation of them introduces obstacles that
hinder his moral progress on the path. Observance of them means
smooth and steady progress along the path.
Having progressed a step further in his gradual advance, the aspirant
now tries to control his senses. To control craving for food and to pro-
mote buoyancy of mind and body, abstemiousness or fasting, at least
once a month, is advisable. Plain and simple living is preferable to a lux-
urious life which makes one a slave to passions. A life of celibacy is
recommended, as one’s valuable energy thus conserved could then be
utilised wholly for the intellectual and moral welfare of oneself and oth-
ers. In such a life one is detached from additional worldly bonds that
impede moral progress. Almost all spiritual teachers, it would appear,
have nourished their bodies sparingly and have led a life of strict celi-
bacy, simplicity, voluntary poverty, and self-control.

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