
(Darren Dugan) #1


It is only one who has gained the fifth jhána that could develop the
five kinds of abhiññá.
Dibbacakkhu is the celestial or divine eye, also called clairvoyance,
which enables one to see heavenly or earthly things, far or near, that are
imperceptible to the physical eye.
Cutúpapátañáóa, knowledge with regard to the dying and reappear-
ing of beings, is identical with this celestial eye. Anágataísañáóa,
knowledge with regard to the future and yathákammúpagatañáóa,
knowledge with regard to the faring of beings according to their own
good and bad actions, are two other kinds of knowledge belonging to the
same category.
Dibbasota is the celestial ear, also called clairaudience, which enables
one to hear subtle or coarse sounds far or near.
Pubbe nivásánussatiñáóa is the power to remember the past lives of
oneself and others. With regard to this knowledge the Buddha’s power is
limitless, while in the case of others it is limited.
Paracittavijáñáóa is the power to discern the thoughts of others.
Iddhividha is the power to fly through the air, walk on water, dive
into the earth, create new forms etc.


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