
(Darren Dugan) #1


Vaccha, to say that he is neither reborn nor not reborn would not fit
the case.”
Vaccha was baffled on hearing these seemingly inconsistent answers,
and, in his confusion, exclaimed:

“Gotama, I am at a loss to think in this matter, and I have become
greatly confused.”
“Enough, O Vaccha. Be not at a loss to think in this matter, and be
not greatly confused. Profound, O Vaccha, is this doctrine, recondite
and difficult of comprehension, good, excellent, and not to be reached
by mere reasoning, subtle and intelligible only to the wise and it is a
hard doctrine for you to learn, who belong to another sect, to another
faith, to another persuasion, to another discipline, and who sit at the
feet of another teacher. Therefore, O Vaccha, I shall now question you,
and do you make answer as may seem to you good. What think you,
Vaccha? Suppose a fire were to burn in front of you, would you be
aware that fire was burning in front of you?”
“Gotama, if a fire were to burn in front of me, I should be aware that
a fire was burning in front of me.”
“But suppose, Vaccha, someone were to ask you: ‘On what does this
fire that is burning in front of you depend?’ What would you answer,
“I would answer, O Gotama, ‘It is on fuel of grass and wood that this
fire burning in front of me depends’.”
“But Vaccha, if the fire in front of you were to become extinct,
would you be aware that the fire in front of you had become extinct?”
“Gotama, if the fire in front of me were to become extinct, I should
be aware that the fire in front of me had become extinct.”
“But, Vacca, if someone were to ask you—’In what direction has that
fire gone, East or West, North or South?’ What would you say,
“The question would not fit the case, Gotama, for the fire depended
on fuel of grass and wood, and when that fuel has all gone, and it can
get no other, being thus without nutriment, it is said to be extinct.”
“In exactly the same way, Vaccha, all forms, sensations, perceptions,
mental activities, and consciousness have been abandoned, uprooted,
made like a palmyra stump, become extinct, and not liable to spring up
in the future.
“The saint, O Vaccha, who has been released from what are styled
the five aggregates, is deep, immeasurable like the mighty ocean. To
say that he is reborn would not fit the case. To say that he is not reborn
would not fit the case. To say that he is neither reborn nor not reborn
would not fit the case.”
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