
(Darren Dugan) #1


  1. We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute
    the accomplished Sangha, honoured by gods and humans. May
    there be happiness!^56

METTÁ SUTTA – Loving Kindness

As the rainy (vassána) season was drawing near, several Bhikkhus
received instructions from the Buddha about meditation and went in
search of a suitable place. In the course of their wanderings they came to
a secluded spot with scenic beauty, and decided to stay there and medi-
tate to gain their deliverance.
The Devas who were dwelling on tree tops resented their unwelcome
presence and wanted to drive them away. At night they disturbed them
in their meditations and succeeded in their attempt.
The Bhikkhus, finding it difficult to concentrate their minds amidst
such uncongenial surroundings, returned to the Buddha and informed
him of their nocturnal adventures.
Thereupon the Buddha taught them this sutta and advised them to go
to the very spot and act accordingly.
The Devas were now pleased as they were pervading the whole
atmosphere with their radiant thoughts of love, and instead of obstruct-
ing their spiritual progress, they gave them every possible help.
Within the Vasssána period itself all the Bhikkhus gained
This discourse serves both as a mark of protection and as a subject of
meditation. In the first part of the discourse are found virtues that
should be practised by anyone who desires one's welfare, and in the lat-
ter part, the method of _practising Mettá or goodwill is explained in
Metta (Sans. maitrì): It is difficult to give a graceful English equiva-
lent of this term. Sometimes it is rendered by "benevolence" which is
exactly what mettá signifies, but it is too flaccid a word to convey the
rapture of Buddhist mettá.^57

  1. When the Buddha concluded his sermon conferring peace and happiness upon
    the inhabitants of Vesáli, Sakka, the king of Devas, recited the last three verses and
    took leave of the Buddha, with his retinue.
    The commentary states that the Buddha expounded this sutta successively for
    seven days in Vesáli.

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