
(Darren Dugan) #1


ment by meditation of the arisen enlightenment factor of
energy comes to be.
“When the enlightenment factor of ‘joy’ (pìti) is present he
knows well, ‘I have the enlightenment factor of joy’ or when it
is not present he knows well that it is absent; he knows well
how the raising of the non-arising enlightenment factor of joy
comes to be, and how the fulfilment by meditation of the arisen
enlightenment factor of joy come to be.
“When the enlightenment factor of ‘tranquillity’ (passaddhi)
is present he knows well, ‘I have the enlightenment factor of
tranquillity’ or when it is not present he knows well that it is
absent; he knows well how the arising of the nonarisen enlight-
enment factor of tranquillity comes to be, and how the
fulfilment by meditation of the arisen enlightenment factor of
tranquillity comes to be.
“When the enlightenment factor of ‘concentration’ (samá-
dhi) is present he knows well, ‘I have the enlightenment factor
of concentration,’ or when it is not present he knows well that
it is absent, he knows well how the arising of the non-arisen
enlightenment factor of concentration comes to be, and how the
fulfilmqnt by meditation of the arisen enlightenment factor of
concentration comes to be.
“When the enlightenment factor of equanimity (upekkha) is
present he knows well, ‘I have the enlightenment factor of
equanimity,’ or when it is not present he knows well that it is
absent; he knows well how the arising of the non-arisen
enlightenment factor of equanimity comes to be, and how the
fulfilment by meditation of the arisen enlightenment factor of
equanimity comes to be.
“Thus he lives contemplating the dhammas ... clinging to
naught in this world.
“Thus a disciple lives contemplating the dhammas with
respect to the seven factors of enlightenment.
[Contemplation on the Four Truths]
“A disciple is fully aware, as it really is, ‘This is suffering’ ‘this is the
cause of suffering’, ‘this is the cessation of suffering’, ‘this is the
way leading to the cessation of suffering’.
“Thus he lives contemplating the dhammas internally, or
externally or both internally and externally, He lives contem-
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