
(Darren Dugan) #1


Jayasundara, Mr. A. D., “Anattá and Moral Responsibility,” Maha-
bodhi Journal, vol. 41, p. 93.
Jennings, J. G., The Vedantic Buddhism of the Buddha
Joad, C.E.M, The Meaning of Life
Kaiserling, Count, Travel Diary of a Philosopher
Kirkus, Rev. W., Orthodoxy, Scripture, and Reason
Kitchener, H.M., Theory of’ Reincarnation, The
Lockhart, Life of Scott
Myers, F.W.H., Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily
Ouspensky. Tertium Organum
Pascal, Dr. T.H., Reincarnation
Plato, The Republic
Poussin, Way to Nirvana, The
Radhakrishnan, Sri, Gautama the Buddha
Russell, Bertrand, Religion and Science
Schopenhauer, The World As Will And Idea
Sìlacára, Bhikkhu, The Four Noble Truths
Streeter, Canon B. H., in Modern Churchman, Sept. 1924, p. 347
Thomas, E. J. Life of the Buddha
Warren, Buddhism in Translation
Watson, John B. Behaviourism
Wells, H. G. Three Greatest Men in History
Woodward, F.L., Kindred Sayings
______ Some Sayings of the Buddha 
______ Verses of Uplift
Zetland, Lord, in Garrat, G. T. (Ed.), Legacy of India 


AN Aòguttara Nikáya (PTS: Hare, Gradual Sayings)
DN Dìgha Nikáya (PTS: Davids, R., Dialogues of the Buddha)
Dhp. Dhammapada (Author’s translations)
Dhp-a Dhammapada commentary (PTS: Burlingame, Buddhist
MN Majjhima Nikáya (PTS: Middle Length Sayings)
SN Saíyutta Nikáya (PTS: Woodward, Kindred Sayings)
Sn Sutta-Nipáta (PTS: Chalmers, Buddha’s Teaching)
Thera. Theragátha (PTS: Davids, C., Psalms of the Brethren)
Vin. Vinaya Piþaka (PTS: Horner, Book of Discipline)

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