
(Darren Dugan) #1



Kaccáná, Queen, 11, 12
Kaccána Thera, 169
Kakusandha Buddha, 117
Kála, 94
Káladevala, 4
Kasìbháradvája the Brahmin, 115– 116
brothers, the three, 61ff.
Buddha, 117, 231
Púraóa, 142
Thera, 144
Khemá Theri, 85, 105, 171, 172
Khujjuttará, 173
Kisá Gotamì, 331, 385ff.
Kokálika Thera, 89
Kolita (Moggallána’s lay name), 63, 65
Komárabhacca, 102
Kondañña the brahmin, 4
Kondañña Thera, 13, 41
Koóágamana Buddha, 117
Kosala, King Mahá, 80, 105
Kosala Devi, 105


Mágandiyá, 113, 382ff., 383ff.
Magha, 252
Mahá Maya, Queen, 11, 12, 82
Mahánáma Thera, 11, 13, 41
Mahá Pajápatì Gotamì, see Pajápati
Makkhali Gosála, 142
Malliká, Queen, 173
Máluòkyaputta Thera, 223– 224
Mára, 16–18, 75, 376
army of, 17
daughters of, 30
Metteyya, 217
Milinda, 199, 260, 268
Moggallána Thera, 127, 205, 251, 376
Sáriputta and, 63–65, 89
Mucalinda, 30, 31
Muñja (a name of Mára), 18


Nágasena Thera, 199, 268ff., 271,
294ff., 295
Nakulamátá, 173
Nálágiri the elephant, 88
Namuci (a name of Mára), 17, 18
Nanda Thera, 71, 76– 78
Paþácárá Theri, 172
Pajápati Gotamì, Queen Mahá, 11, 68,
70, 76, 80, 82–86, 112, 171
Pakudha Kaccáyana, 142
Pamitá, 11, 12, 68
Pasenadi, King, 106–110, 173, 215
Paþácárá, 25, 331, 385
Pukkusa the devotee, 138
Punabbasumátá, 173
Puóóaji Thera, 59
Puóóa Mantáóiputta Thera, 78
Puóóa the ascetic, 275
Puóóá Theri, 170
Púraóa Kassapa, 142
Putigatta Tissa Thera, 25
Rága (daughter of Mára), 30
Ráhulamátá, 68
Ráhula Thera, 7, 11, 12, 127
higher ordination, 75, 118
Rajjumálá Theri, 25, 170
Ráma, 10
Roja the nobleman, 364
Sahampati Brahma, 34, 35, 36
Sakka, King of devas, 252, 339, 356,
Sakkodana, 11
Sámávatì, 173
Sañjaya, 63, 65, 142
Sáriputta Thera, 41, 129
Abhidhamma and, 150
Moggallána and, 63– 65
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