Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 8 Number Theory220

Problem 8.11.
At one time, the Guinness Book of World Records reported that the “greatest human
calculator” was a guy who could compute 13th roots of 100-digit numbers that were
powers of 13. What a curious choice of tasks....

(a)Prove that
d^13 d .mod10/ (8.14)

for 0 d < 10.

(b)Now prove that
n^13 n .mod10/ (8.15)

for alln.

Problems for Section 8.6

Class Problems

Problem 8.12.
Two nonparallel lines in the real plane intersect at a point. Algebraically, this means
that the equations

yDm 1 xCb 1
yDm 2 xCb 2

have a unique solution.x;y/, providedm 1 ¤m 2. This statement would be false if
we restrictedxandyto the integers, since the two lines could cross at a noninteger

However, an analogous statement holds if we work over the integersmodulo a
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