Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1

9.12. Summary of Relational Properties 275

Problem 9.31.
Letbe a partial order on a set,A, and let


wherek 2 N.

(a)Prove thatA 0 ;A 1 ;:::is a parallel schedule foraccording to Definition 9.10.5.

(b)Prove thatAkis an antichain.

Problem 9.32.
LetSbe a sequence ofndifferent numbers. AsubsequenceofSis a sequence that
can be obtained by deleting elements ofS.
For example, if

Then 647 and 7253 are both subsequences ofS(for readability, we have dropped
the parentheses and commas in sequences, so 647 abbreviates.6;4;7/, for exam-
Anincreasing subsequenceofSis a subsequence of whose successive elements
get larger. For example, 1238 is an increasing subsequence ofS. Decreasing sub-
sequences are defined similarly; 641 is a decreasing subsequence ofS.

(a)List all the maximum length increasing subsequences ofS, and all the maxi-
mum length decreasing subsequences.

Now letAbe thesetof numbers inS. (SoADf1;2;3;:::;9gfor the example
above.) There are two straightforward ways to path-total orderA. The first is to
order its elements numerically, that is, to orderAwith the<relation. The second
is to order the elements by which comes first inS; call this order<S. So for the
example above, we would have

6 <S4 <S7 <S9 <S1 <S2 <S5 <S3 <S 8

Next, define the partial orderonAdefined by the rule

aa^0 WWD a < a^0 anda <Sa^0 :

(It’s not hard to prove thatis strict partial order, but you may assume it.)

(b)Draw a diagram of the partial order,, onA. What are the maximal ele-
ments,... the minimal elements?

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