Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 14 Sums and Asymptotics446

False Claim.
2 nDO.1/: (14.35)
Explain why the claim is false. Then identify and explain the mistake in the
following bogus proof.

Bogus proof.The proof by induction onnwhere the induction hypothesis,P.n/,
is the assertion (14.35).
base case:P.0/holds trivially.
inductive step:We may assumeP.n/, so there is a constantc > 0such that
2 nc 1. Therefore,
2 nC^1 D 2  2 n.2c/1;

which implies that 2 nC^1 DO.1/. That is,P.nC1/holds, which completes the
proof of the inductive step.
We conclude by induction that 2 n DO.1/for alln. That is, the exponential
function is bounded by a constant.

Problem 14.24. (a)Prove that the relation,R, on functions such thatf R giff
f Do.g/is a strict partial order.

(b)Describe two functionsf;gthat are incomparable under big Oh:

f ¤O.g/ANDg¤O.f /:

Conclude thatRis not a path-total order.

Exam Problems

Problem 14.25. (a)Show that


wherea;bare positive constants anddenotes asymptotic equality.Hint:anD
a2log^2 n.

(b)You may assume that iff.n/ 1 andg.n/ 1 for alln, thenf g!

(^1) n
(^1) n

. Show that

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