Mathematics for Computer Science

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 17 Random Variables608

because Team 1 has a strategy that guarantees that it wins at least 3/7 of the time,
no matter how Team 2 plays. Describe such a strategy for Team 1 and explain why
it works.

Problem 17.6.
Suppose you have a biased coin that has probabilitypof flipping heads. LetJbe
the number of heads innindependent coin flips. SoJhas the general binomial




whereqWWD 1 p.

(a)Show that
PDFJ.k1/ <PDFJ.k/ fork < npCp;
PDFJ.k1/ >PDFJ.k/ fork > npCp:

(b)Conclude that the maximum value of PDFJis asymptotically equal to


Hint:For the asymptotic estimate, it’s ok to assume thatnpis an integer, so by
part (a), the maximum value is Use Stirling’s formula (14.30).

Homework Problems

Problem 17.7.
A drunken sailor wanders along main street, which conveniently consists of the
points along thexaxis with integral coordinates. In each step, the sailor moves
one unit left or right along thexaxis. A particularpathtaken by the sailor can be
described by a sequence of “left” and “right” steps. For example,hleft,left,righti
describes the walk that goes left twice then goes right.
We model this scenario with a random walk graph whose vertices are the integers
and with edges going in each direction between consecutive integers. All edges are
The sailor begins his random walk at the origin. This is described by an initial
distribution which labels the origin with probability 1 and all other vertices with
probability 0. After one step, the sailor is equally likely to be at location 1 or 1 ,
so the distribution after one step gives label 1/2 to the vertices 1 and 1 and labels
all other vertices with probability 0.

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