Pediatric Nursing Demystified

(dillionhill2002) #1
Manifestations associated with respiratory infections:

  • Cough

  • Sputum production

  • Hyperinflation of the alveoli

  • Bronchiectasis

  • Hemoptysis

  • Pulmonary insufficiency
    Manifestations associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction:

  • Steatorrhea

  • Vitamin deficiencies A, D, E, and K

  • Diabetes mellitus

Test Results

A quantitative sweat chloride test >60 mEq/L.
Chest radiography
Stool fat and enzyme analysis


Chest physiotherapy (CPT)
Postural drainage and percussion
Exercise, deep breathing, and coughing
Antimicrobial agents

  • Inhaled antibiotics

  • Intravenous antibiotics
    Oxygen therapy
    Replacement of pancreatic enzymes
    High-protein, high-caloric diet
    Salt supplementation during hot weather

Nursing Interventions

Pulmonary and gastrointestinal assessments
Aerosol therapy
Family education to prevent exacerbation of the disease
Educating parents on chest physiotherapy and breathing exercises

Respiratory Distress Syndrome

What Went Wrong?

Premature infants born <36 weeks of gestation may develop respiratory distress
syndrome or hyaline membrane disease (HMD) due to lack of surfactantto
keep the alveoli open.

Signs and Symptoms

Breathing >60 breaths/minute
Retractions (suprasternal and substernal)






CHAPTER 5/ Respiratory Conditions^85

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