Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success : A Self-management Approach

(Greg DeLong) #1

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External Rewards
“Give myself rewards when I finish studying.”
“Each time I successfully know a topic, I might give myself a
break and do something relaxing like watch TV or nap?”
“Tell myself that if I finish the next five pages of reading I can go
and talk to a friend.”

Task Value
“I would find ways that it relates to my life.”
“I would try to relate it to my experiences or how I would feel in
certain situations.”

“Make studying into a game.”
“Try to make it more interesting.”

Help Seeking
“Ask to study with a friend.”
“Talk to the (teaching assistant) or professor.”

Environment Structuring
“Sit with the book in a quiet room with a soft drink.”
“Take little breaks so I don’t burn out.”
“I’d take a break, completely forget the subject matter, and then
return, hopefully refreshed.”
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