Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success : A Self-management Approach

(Greg DeLong) #1

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What can educators do about reducing the influence of stereotype
threat? Aronson (2002) pointed out that stereotype threat appears to
be especially disruptive to individuals who believe that intelligence is
fixed rather than changeable. In this course, you are learning that aca-
demic performance can be improved through the use of different
learning and motivational strategies. Do you believe that you can
become a more successful student and compete with other students at
your college or university? There also is some evidence that stereo-
type threat may be reduced through cooperative learning and other
forms of direct contact with other students.
In a successful program that improved the academic achievement
of a group of African American freshman at the University of Michigan
(Steele et al., 1997), students lived in a racially integrated “living and
learning” community in a part of a large dormitory. The students were
recognized for their accomplishment of gaining admission to the uni-
versity and participated in weekly rap groups to discuss common
problems they all faced. In addition, they participated in advanced
workshops in one of their courses that went beyond the material in
the course. All of these activities were useful; however, the weekly rap
sessions appeared to be the most critical part of program. The
researchers believed that when students of different racial groups hear
the same concerns expressed, the concerns appear to be less racial.
The students also may learn that racial and gender stereotypes play a
smaller role in academic success than they may have originally
It is important to realize that the researchers exploring the impact
of stereotype threat are not saying that this phenomenon is the sole
reason for underachievement by certain minority students. We have
already discussed a number of other important academic and moti-
vational factors that can make a difference between a successful and
unsuccessful college experience. Nevertheless, stereotype threat must
be considered an important factor in understanding underachievement
of certain minority students.

Directions: What attitudes and beliefs have you brought to college
that could influence your motivation and academic behavior? Check


either Yes or No for each of the questions on p. 59 and then write
a summary statement about how your personal, social, and cultural
experiences influence your present motivation. What do you see as
your areas of greatest strengths in meeting your goals? What areas
do you need to work on to ensure your success in college?
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