Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

142 Linear Programming I: Simplex Method

xm=b′′m−a′′msxs, b′′m≥ 0
f=f 0 ′′+c′′sxs, c′′s< 0 (3.28)

Sincec′′s < , Eq. (3.28) suggests that the value of 0 xsshould be made as large as
possiblein order to reduce the value offas much as possible. However, in the process
of increasing the value ofxs, some of the variablesxi(i = 1 , 2 ,... , m)in Eqs. (3.27)
may become negative. It can be seen that if all the coefficientsai′′s≤ , 0 i= 1 , 2 ,... , m,
thenxscan be made infinitely large without making anyxi< , 0 i= 1 , 2 ,... , m. In
such a case, the minimum value off is minus infinity and the linear programming
problem is said to have anunbounded solution.
On the other hand, if at least oneai′′sis positive, the maximum value thatxscan
take without makingxi negative isb′′i/ai′′s. If there are more than onea′′is> 0 , the
largest valuex∗s thatxscan take is given by the minimum of the ratiosb′′i/a′′is for
whichai′′s > 0. Thus



= inimumm
a′′is> 0





The choice ofrin the case of a tie, assuming that allb′′i> 0 , is arbitrary. If anyb′′i
for whicha′′is> 0 is zero in Eqs. (3.27),xscannot be increased by any amount. Such
asolution is called adegenerate solution.
In the case of a nondegenerate basic feasible solution, a new basic feasible solu-
tion can be constructed with a lower value of the objective function as follows. By
substituting the value ofx∗sgiven by Eq. (3.29) into Eqs. (3.27) and (3.28), we obtain


xi=b′′i−a′′isx∗s≥ 0 , i= 1 , 2 ,... , m and i=r (3.30)
xr= 0
xj= 0 , j=m+ 1 , m+ 2 ,... , n and j=s

f=f 0 ′′+c′′sxs∗≤f 0 ′′ (3.31)

which can readily be seen to be a feasible solution different from the previous one.
Sincear′′s> 0 in Eq. (3.29), a single pivot operation on the elementa′′rsin the system
ofEqs. (3.21) will lead to a new canonical form from which the basic feasible solution
of Eqs. (3.30) can easily be deduced. Also, Eq. (3.31) shows that this basic feasible
solution corresponds to a lower objective function value compared to that of Eqs. (3.22).
This basic feasible solution can again be tested for optimality by seeing whether all
c′′i> 0 in the new canonical form. If the solution is not optimal, the entire procedure
of moving to another basic feasible solution from the present one has to be repeated.
In the simplex algorithm, this procedure is repeated in an iterative manner until the
algorithm finds either (1) a class of feasible solutions for whichf→ −∞or (2) an
optimal basic feasible solution with allc′′i≥ , 0 i= 1 , 2 ,... , n. Since there are only
a finite number of ways to choose a set ofmbasic variables out ofnvariables, the
iterative process of the simplex algorithm will terminate in a finite number of cycles.
The iterative process of the simplex algorithm is shown as a flowchart in Fig. 3.14.
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