Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
Problems 167

subject to

10 x+y≥ 10
5 x+ 4 y≥ 20
3 x+ 7 y≥ 21
x+ 12 y≥ 12
x≥ 0 , y≥ 0

3.33 Rework Problem 3.32 by changing the objective to Maximizef= 4 x+ 5 y.

3.34 Rework Problem 3.32 by changing the objective to Minimizef= 6 x+ 2 y.

3.35 Minimizef= 6 x+ 2 y

subject to

10 x+y≥ 10
5 x+ 4 y≥ 20
3 x+ 7 y≥ 21
x+ 12 y≥ 12
xandyare unrestricted in sign

3.36 Minimizef= 5 x+ 2 y

subject to

3 x+ 4 y≤ 24
x−y≤ 3
x+ 4 y≥ 4
3 x+y≥ 3
x≥ 0 , y ≥ 0

3.37 Rework Problem 3.36 by changing the objective to Maximizef= 5 x+ 2 y.

3.38 Rework Problem 3.36 whenxis unrestricted in sign andy≥0.

3.39 Maximizef= 5 x+ 2 y

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