Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

26 Introduction to Optimization

As the objective function [Eq. (E 5 )] is a quadratic and the constraints [Eqs. (E 1 ) to
(E 4 )] are linear, the problem is a quadratic programming problem.

Linear Programming Problem. If the objective function and all the constraints in
Eq. (1.1) are linear functions of the design variables, the mathematical programming
problem is called alinear programming(LP)problem. A linear programming problem
is often stated in the following standard form:






x 1
x 2





whichminimizesf (X)=


i= 1


subject to the constraints (1.10)

i= 1

aijxi=bj, j= 1 , 2 ,... , m

xi≥ 0 , i= 1 , 2 ,... , n

whereci, aij, andbjare constants.

Example 1.6 A scaffolding system consists of three beams and six ropes as shown
in Fig. 1.12. Each of the top ropesAandBcan carry a load ofW 1 , each of the
middle ropesCandDcan carry a load ofW 2 , and each of the bottom ropesEand
Fcan carry a load ofW 3. If the loads acting on beams 1, 2, and 3 arex 1 , x 2 , andx 3 ,
respectively,as shown in Fig. 1.12, formulate the problem of finding the maximum

Figure 1.12 Scaffolding system with three beams.
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