Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

36 Introduction to Optimization

The most widely circulated journals that publish papers related to engineering opti-
mization areEngineering Optimization, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, AIAA
Journal, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Computers and Structures, Interna-
tional Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Structural Optimization, Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications, Computers and Operations Research, Oper-
ations Research,Management Science, Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions
on Evolutionary Computation, European Journal of Operations Research, IEEE Trans-
actions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, andJournal of Heuristics. Many of these
journals are cited in the chapter references.

1.8 Solution of Optimization Problems Using MATLAB

The solution of most practical optimization problems requires the use of computers.
Several commercial software systems are available to solve optimization problems that
arise in different engineering areas. MATLAB is a popular software that is used for
the solution of a variety of scientific and engineering problems.†MATLAB has several
toolboxes each developed for the solution of problems from a specific scientific area.
The specific toolbox of interest for solving optimization and related problems is called
theoptimization toolbox. It contains a library of programs or m-files, which can be
used for the solution of minimization, equations, least squares curve fitting, and related
problems. The basic information necessary for using the various programs can be found
in the user’s guide for the optimization toolbox [1.124]. The programs or m-files, also
called functions, available in the minimization section of the optimization toolbox are
given in Table 1.2. The use of the programs listed in Table 1.2 is demonstrated at the end
of different chapters of the book. Basically, the solution procedure involves three steps
after formulating the optimization problem in the format required by the MATLAB
program (or function) to be used. In most cases, this involves stating the objective
function for minimization and the constraints in “≤” form with zero or constant value
on the righthand side of the inequalities. After this, step 1 involves writing an m-file
for the objective function. Step 2 involves writing an m-file for the constraints. Step 3
involves setting the various parameters at proper values depending on the characteristics
of the problem and the desired output and creating an appropriate file to invoke the
desired MATLAB program (and coupling the m-files created to define the objective and
constraints functions of the problem). As an example, the use of the program,fmincon,
for the solution of a constrained nonlinear programming problem is demonstrated in
Example 1.11.

Example 1.11 Find the solution of the following nonlinear optimization problem
(same as the problem in Example 1.1) using the MATLAB functionfmincon:
Minimizef (x 1 , x 2 ) = 9. 82 x 1 x 2 + 2 x 1

subject to

g 1 (x 1 , x 2 )=


π x 1 x 2

− 005 ≤ 0

†The basic concepts and procedures of MATLAB are summarized inAppendix C.
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