
(Nora) #1
Power steering--Power steering gear assembly

(b) Disassemble the screw and disconnect the fixed clamp of
in-out oil pipe assembly of power steering gear.

  1. Disassemble linking lever assembly of front stabi-
    lizer bar [64000097].
    (a) Use socket head wrench (5mm) to fix bolt, then disas-
    semble screw cap.
    (b) Disassemble the left linking lever of front stabilizer liking
    lever assembly.
    Hint: disassemble the other with same method.

  2. Disassemble the coupling bolt and nut of left/right

lower control arm ball head and control arm.
Disassemble one bolt and two nuts, and disassemble control
arm from left steering knuckle.
Hint: disassemble the other with same method.

  1. Disassemble engine cover assembly

  2. Support engine assembly.

  3. Disassemble auxiliary automobile bracket assem-
    bly [64000087]
    (a) Disassemble two bolts, then disassemble side rail from
    right front engine suspension.
    (b) Disassemble two bolts, then disassemble carling from au-
    tomobile body.

(c) Disassemble the bolt and three nuts, then disassemble
engine rear suspension from auxiliary automobile bracket.
(d) Use gearbox jack to support auxiliary automobile bracket.
(e) Disassemble four bolts and auxiliary automobile bracket
assembly with steering gear.

  1. Disassemble exterior dust-proof cover of steering


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